Biomining can be defined as the extraction of minerals from ores by using microorganisms. The microorganisms actually facilitate the extraction of metals from sulfide or iron-containing ores. Metal’s solubilization process is involved in biomining and it is a combination of microbiology and chemistry. Bioremediation is the use of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) to degrade the environmental contaminants into less toxic or nontoxic forms
- It allows us to recycle resources by extracting useful components from the waste such as metal, as compost in fertilizer, etc.
- If some of the Heavy metals are not degraded it can produce toxic compound and these compounds can create health hazards like asthma, lung cancer, etc.
- Normal Processes of incineration require a lot of energy whereas these processes do not need energy at all.
- These processes can be in situ and ex-situ.
- It is Eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable also after using this technique we can use the contaminated land for other purposes.