How To Properly Recycle Electronics And Why It’s Important

Electronic waste is increasing as technology is evolving day by day. Just like the theory of Darwinism states, survival of the fittest. Innovators are looking for ways to improve the existing technologies which transcend the earlier version of these technologies by making them outdated. Needless to mention, with all the techno brands striving to be on top, the amount of discarded electronic waste is increasing at an unprecedented pace.

This becomes a matter of concern as these electronic wastes are known for causing enormous adverse effects on the ecology. As a result, the world we are living in is becoming more and more unsafe for the coming generations.

Now, witnessing the catastrophic threat that it posed to earth, the WHO (World Health Organization) is introducing various new policies and guidelines to encourage all tech companies across the world to adopt the policy of recycling residual or discarded electronic products for further utilization.

Fortunately, heeding these instructions provided by the world health organization, almost all companies have made it their policy to reuse these discarded materials. Which has brought a positive impact on the environment as well as the company’s revenue streams.

Now, the question is how these recycling processes are executed and why it is important to recycle electronic products.

How to Recycle Electronics?


There are a lot of ways through which one can recycle electronic products. For instance, Let’s say you have a laptop that you no longer use. Since you have a laptop that is far more advanced than the other one. Now, you can give away this laptop to someone who cannot afford it. Which will be considered recycling. This is however an individual approach to recycling.

On the other hand, a tech company has a collection of unsold electronic products. Let’s say a smartphone. Due to some technical issue, its demand didn’t go the way the company had planned. Now, the company might use certain materials used to create the smartphone to build another one. This way they are mitigating the need of manufacturing certain parts or materials by simply reusing the materials found on the discarded phone.

Last but not least, there are plenty of companies that collect unused or discarded electronic products and dismantle them to acquire different parts and materials. These materials are further sold or sent to a company that will find the use for these products. Thus, making complete use of the discarded products. These companies are known as waste management companies.

Now, why is recycling electronics important? Let’s take a look.

Importance of Recycling Electronics


Some various radioactive materials or chemicals can be found in electronic products. For instance, mercury is found in LCD monitors. Mercury is a highly radioactive material that is known for causing severe contamination by entering the food chain through the water.

It is converted into methylmercury which is the cause of severe public health damage and ecological imbalance. Likewise, all the materials like lead, cadmium, nickel, etc can be found in every single electronic product. Which poses a significant threat to the earth and the living beings residing in it.

If these materials are left exposed, they can cause severe health damage and environmental degradation. That is why all electronic materials need to be recycled most effectively to ensure none of these harmful materials get exposed to the environment.


It is not solely the responsibility of the government or a waste management company to recycle electronic products. It starts with you from your home. Don’t discard unused electronic products in the dump yard. Instead, consider giving it away if it’s operational. If not then give it to a waste management company to take appropriate measures in recycling it. Remember you are a part of this world and it is your responsibility to help preserve it.